
Ephemeral Thoughts about Life, the Universe and Everything.

Octahedron World


Latest micro fiction, pics and thoughts

Tipping Points - title image

in category climate-news

Tipping Points

The unexpected acceleration of catastrophic climate effects


The CLient - title image

in category sandfuss

The CLient

A new case for Sandfuss and his deputies


The Academic Council - title image

in category hermetics-tales

The Academic Council

Knowledge and Science as one of the pillars of power


Van Der Belt - title image

in category transspace-tales

Van Der Belt

The sphere of human life expands into the universe, while some pioneers still find undiscovered ground.


The Trapdoor - title image

in category weird-things

The Trapdoor

A hatch into a weird underworld.


Big City Life - title image

in category climate-news

Big City Life

Urban versus rural areas for the environment


Root - title image

in category mesh-tales


Root, the most important node in the mesh


Introducing the SPINs - title image

in category kret-tales

Introducing the SPINs

About joint law enforcement and special units in the Canon


Valerian addiction - title image

in category sandfuss

Valerian addiction

A bar or a detective's office?


Distribution of Power - title image

in category kret-tales

Distribution of Power

Monitoring the different social balances of Earth and Kret


The Vergency Hotel - title image

in category vergency-hotel

The Vergency Hotel

Starting some tales from the center of the universe


AI Chauffeur - title image

in category real-world

AI Chauffeur

Mid 2023. Elections in important German regions with catastrophic results.


On Earth - title image

in category kret-tales

On Earth

How did the discovery of the Kret change the world?


Puppets - title image

in category hermetics-tales


Are we the toys for the Hermetic Society?


Alien Size - title image

in category tropes

Alien Size

Tiny aliens, tiny spaceships. What if aliens are small?


Sandfuss P.I. - title image

in category sandfuss

Sandfuss P.I.

Early drafts for an animalic short story


Kret Tales - title image

in category kret-tales

Kret Tales

Some fragments about our brothers and sisters from another planet..


Hermetics Tales - title image

in category hermetics-tales

Hermetics Tales

Anecdotes and rumors from the world of magic.


Counting - title image

in category tropes


How to achieve tension? Count down. Ten to one.


Intro to Transspace Tales - title image

in category transspace-tales

Intro to Transspace Tales

More anecdotes, this time about transspace, my concept for space operas


The Moon is a Harsh Mistress - title image

in category reviews

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

The 1966 novel about the mechanics of a revolution is one of the classics of sci-fi.


Mid Term Reports - title image

in category real-world

Mid Term Reports

Mid 2023. Elections in important German regions with catastrophic results.


The Swoosh - title image

in category mesh-tales

The Swoosh

Tales from the Mesh, starting off with the Mesh Logo


Mars - title image

in category tropes


Our neighbour planet Mars is always worth a visit, at least for our sci-fi writers.


Old Man's War - title image

in category reviews

Old Man's War

Thought-provoking sci-fi novel for an engaging exploration of ethics and mechanics in warfare


Natural Catastrophes - title image

in category predictions

Natural Catastrophes

We are already facing superlatives of natural catastrophes on a monthly basis.


Types of SciFi - title image

in category tropes

Types of SciFi

How do the different types of science fiction work?


Job Markets - title image

in category predictions

Job Markets

Automation vs. Demographic Change. Who will win?


Superpower - title image

in category tropes


Marvel, DC, Batman or Hulk. Super human power are the mega trend at cinemas.


The Fifth Season - title image

in category reviews

The Fifth Season

Reviewing the Hugo Award winning novel by N.K. Jemisin


Metaverse - title image

in category predictions


Built to fail, Facebooks metaverse. Yet it was the dream of a whole cyberpunk generation.


Aliens - title image

in category tropes


Extra terrestrial intelligent species are at the heart of many sci-fi stories.


Ringworld - title image

in category reviews


The 1970 sci-fi classic by Larry Niven


SciFi & Fantasy - A Journey - title image

in category tropes

SciFi & Fantasy - A Journey

From typical characters to shared topics and tropes.


Self Driving Cars - title image

in category predictions

Self Driving Cars

When will I order a car and ask it to drive me to the supermarket?


Picard - title image

in category reviews


The third and final season of Star Trek Picard is over. Time for a little review.


Climate Refugees - title image

in category predictions

Climate Refugees

Central Europe is the place to be in 50 years. For everyone.


The Dispossessed - title image

in category reviews

The Dispossessed

Reviewing the 1974 sci-fi novel by Ursula K. Le Guin


Judges - title image

in category ai-jobs


Objectivity. A goal that notoriously biased humans may never achieve.


TV Shows - title image

in category predictions

TV Shows

Will there still be TV shows, when AI can produce bespoke content for everyone?


Surgeon - title image

in category ai-jobs


A job that relies on precision? That's worth a look from machine's perspective.


Augmented Reality - title image

in category predictions

Augmented Reality

What could happen in the next ten years. Let's start with AR headsets


Construction Worker - title image

in category ai-jobs

Construction Worker

But the things you have to build with your bare hands should be safe, right?


ChatGPT - title image

in category ai-jobs


Special topic about the rise of large language models and their impact


Banking - title image

in category ai-jobs


Algorithms rule investment for decades already, so where's the place for human brain?


Family Physician - title image

in category ai-jobs

Family Physician

Yes, also the core of humanity, the doctor will be affected by AI


Developers - title image

in category ai-jobs


Are software engineers optimizing themselves away one day?


Taxi Drivers - title image

in category ai-jobs

Taxi Drivers

What's happening to taxi drivers as soon as cars can drive alone?


Designers - title image

in category ai-jobs


Dall-E and Midjourney take over many art direction tasks already.


Cashiers - title image

in category ai-jobs


Will the human factor be removed one day from the supermarket checkout?


Political Systems - title image

in category general

Political Systems

There are two main points of view in ideologies. Individual vs State.


Space - title image

in category general


How fictional stories can pass the vast emptiness of space.


Speculative Apocalypses - title image

in category general

Speculative Apocalypses

What is the most likely extinction e vent and how many are actually affected?


Fairness - title image

in category general


Some thoughts on May, the first, labour day.


Who is Aithir? - title image

in category general

Who is Aithir?

Where does my alias come from?


The Start Of Something - title image

in category general

The Start Of Something

A new blog, a new start.



Fiction and Essays

The Operator - title image


The Operator

The first deep-dive into the cyberpunk world of the Mesh and its inhabitants. We follow some hackers in Hamburg on a data heist.

Kamina and the Dragonfly Ship - title image

Children's Story

Kamina and the Dragonfly Ship

Little Kamina is always drawn into phantastic adventures. This time she jumps into a steampunk world with a lot of surprises.

The Mesh - title image


The Mesh

A vision of a hypothetical metaverse-esque three dimensional internet

The Kret - title image


The Kret

Nerdy fiction experiments from my youth, part one. An alien race to discover more about our own species.

Asimov - title image

Children's Story


A robot from another planet is making contact with a boy on earth and asking for his help.

Vlad - title image

Short Story


Everyone knows that Dracula was a real historic figure. But did you also know that he was a magician? This is the first short in my series around the Hermetic Society.

Earth - title image

Elements, Part 1


The start of a dystopian journey to hell and elysium and back.

Energy & Dimensions - title image

World 2

Energy & Dimensions

What are the biggest problems of our time and how do we overcome them? World 2 is a deep dive into the climate crisis. This first storyline focuses on the complex problems around energy creation and consumption.

Veganism & Agriculture - title image

World 2

Veganism & Agriculture

What are the biggest problems of our time and how do we overcome them? World 2 is a deep dive into the climate crisis. This second part focuses on agriculture, food production and the vegan diet.

Traffic & Transport - title image

World 2

Traffic & Transport

What are the biggest problems of our time and how do we overcome them? World 2 is a deep dive into the climate crisis. Part number three focuses on traffic, transport, travel and their effects on climate and wellness.

Transspace - title image



Travelling faster than light, lifting and accellerating without errort and loss, time travelling. for all that, you need a well grounded theory in your sci-fi world building.

Goliath - title image

Short Story


What if we develop an AI with more than human level intelligence? And how powerful can it become? The story in this line is following that thought.

The Bond - title image

Short Story

The Bond

The great mash up between the transspace story and the study of my first alien race, the Kret.

Hermetics - title image



et's dive into the worldbuilding of a fantasy story that circles around magicians. We have even created a novel out of it.

Octahedra - title image

Short Story


A mystic journey through time and space. Eight different places, eight iconic rooms, portals, aliens.

The Guillorys - title image

Children's Story

The Guillorys

We are guests at an extraordinary family of mice in theire residence in New Orleans, the Guillorys. What's so special about them, you ask? Well, some of them have super powers.

Bolt - title image

Short Story


An unexpected announcement reveals the greates surprise in media history and starts a race for the truth.

The Pylons - title image


The Pylons

The second spin off of the Mesh cycle. Let's have a look into the daily life and the strange characters that live in the Pylons.

Simulation Theory - title image

Short Story

Simulation Theory

Are we living in a simulation? Hard to find proof, but there are a bunch of interesting thought ecxperiments out there and even more stories to spin off.

Tattoos - title image

Two Stories


Just like in Ray Bradbury's "The Illustrated Man", I bring my tattoos to life in this storyline.

Kamina and the Water Spirits - title image

Children's Story

Kamina and the Water Spirits

Just like Alice, the little Kamina is drawn into a rabbit hole and experiences a fantastic adventure ... under water.

Water - title image

Elements, Part 2


The journey continues with a boat trip and a visit of the dystopian catastrophe site.


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